Part 159: Briah Roundup
Briah RoundupThis is a little post to cover a couple things I forgot throughout the Briah suppressions.
First off, Gebura's attack dialogue. She has a lot of lines for her attacks, so let's go through them.
Phase 1 posted:
When using Red Eyes:
Red Eyes
When using Penitence:
When using both at once:
Get blown to pieces
When using Road of Gold:
The Road of Gold opens
Phase 2 posted:
When using Mimicry:
Nothing will remain
Ill mow you down
When using Da Capo:
From the Overture
Adagio e Tranquillo
When using Heaven:
The Burrowing Heaven
When traveling between departments,
Throwing Da Capo:
Lets do this, partner
Only bloody mist remains
Throwing weapons on phase change:
This isnt enough
Phase 3 posted:
Summoning Smile:
I wasnt slacking off all this time
When using Smile:
Black Laughter
Be eaten
When using Justita:
Heaven/Road of Gold quotes are the same
Destroying Smile on phase change:
Lets put an end to this
Phase 4 posted:
Drawing Twilight on phase change:
The apocalypse is here
When running past an employee:
Beat it, coward
Dont try and stop me
Youre weak
When using Red Mist:
Be torn apart before my eyes
When using Road of King:
The hunt begins
The Road of the King opens
When staggered:
Im just not as capable as I used to be...
Ill break it down
Ill kill all of you
I cant stop
It just isnt enough
She also has a second defeat line, this one shows up over her sprite instead of big on screen like the usual one:
Even after all this, I cant do a single thing with this power
Second, the rest of the custom quotes from Myo when the Rabbits are called during Gebura's suppression:
Rabbit Team posted:
50% of Rabbit Team eliminated
Got half of the Rabbits eliminated. Still have some skills left in you, huh?
80% of Rabbit Team eliminated
80% dead by her hand. She puts up a tough fight, what a monster. Though shes still not nearly as good as she used to be.
Rabbit Team wiped out
The Red Mist Oh, Ill tear you a new one with my own hands someday
Lastly, there's the sprites for Tiphereth, Chesed, and Gebura's pasts. I forgot them before, so I'll put them here:
Lisa sprite

Enoch sprite

Tiphereth robot sprite

Tiphereth robot sprite

Daniel sprite

Chesed robot sprite

Kali sprite

Gebura robot sprite

Myo sprite